If you have pain on the outside of your hip then you are not alone! there are many people of various ages, sex and fitness levels suffering from lateral hip pain.

Lateral hip pain is felt over the bony area on the outside of the hip and can extend down your thigh. Lying on your affected side is painful and your quality of sleep can be severely affected.
Activities such as walking, running and stair climbing aggravate your pain and can prevent you from doing the activities and sport that you love.

Research shows that the most common cause of lateral hip pain is gluteal tendinopathy; degenerative changes in the tendons of gluteus minimus and medius muscles. These are our deep stabilising muscles of the hip joint and their tendons insert onto the bony area on the outside of your hip – where the pain is felt.

In the past lateral hip pain has been incorrectly known as trochanteric bursitis and treated with corticosteroid injections. The most current research supports that while the trochanteric bursa may be inflamed in some people, it is only one sign of an underlying tendon disease process.

For treatment to be successful a comprehensive assessment of the hip and pelvis by an experienced physiotherapist is necessary.
The team at New Lynn Physiotherapy are experienced and want to help you! Our team of physiotherapists are trained in the comprehensive assessment of hip and pelvic alignment and delivering the latest research guided treatment programmes for lateral hip pain.
Don’t put up with hip pain, join our NEW hip pain program and return to pain free living!